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Dear Botanica Community,

Here at the winter solstice I’m full of gratitude for my life, and that very much includes my radiant clients at Botanica. Your gracious inquiries, heartfelt stories, bright spirits, and healthy enthusiasm inspire me again and again. I am humbled by you, as I am the season.

Photo by Kamilo Bustamante
Left: Inner firelight in the womb of the earth, Red Rocks - Sierra, CA
Right: Redwoods, Butano State Park, CA
Photos by Kamilo Bustamante

The low angle of the sunlight now shines for just a short time in our day, at this point increasing as we round the bend and head toward more light. The world is celebrating, all the kingdoms of nature are celebrating, as are all of our guides above. It is in the air! The evergreen trees that we typically have as Christmas trees symbolize everlasting life. Their needles are green all year long, no matter what the angle of the sun is. I love this picture at the solstice. It reminds me of the life force shining inside of us no matter what the angle of the sun is. The strength of these beautiful and beloved trees is taken in as a health-giving picture. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’ve been making redwood syrup, salve, and tincture. It is so gorgeously subtle in taste and smell, yet so strong in the effect. Like Zen.

Lotus Garden Meditation Center and RSC Books
Lotus Garden Meditation Center

This season has also brought the fortunate circumstances of being part of 2 local retail stores that I’m thrilled to be a part of. The alignment feels so right! The gift shop at Lotus Garden Yoga and Meditation Center, in Fair Oaks, CA, as well as The Rudolf Steiner College Bookstore, also in Fair Oaks. At both places you’ll find a good number of Botanica self-care products. Raphael Garden receives a nice percentage of the sales from the bookstore. All of the biodynamic herbs at Botanica come from this magical place and it feels great to be able to give back in this way.

Blessings on the New Year, the return of the light, and you, radiant you! Deb

"Trees are the earth's endless effort to speak to the listening heaven."
Rabindranath Tagore

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